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Cleaning with Lou: 2023 Christmas Cleaning Checklist to Get Your Home Guest-Ready!

Cleaning with Lou: 2023 Christmas Cleaning Checklist to Get Your Home Guest-Ready!

Cleaning with Lou: 2023 Christmas Cleaning Checklist to Get Your Home Guest-Ready!

Are you hosting Christmas this year? Would you like to know how to clean your house for Christmas?

With the holiday season just a few months away, now is the perfect time to prepare your home for your holiday guests. To make things easier for you, Lou and Done & Dusted present a comprehensive Christmas cleaning checklist and some valuable tips to prepare your home for visitors.

Kitchen and Dining Room Cleaning List

Christmas is a time for delicious food and quality time with loved ones. Ensure your kitchen and dining room are in top shape with these cleaning tasks:

Worktops and Kitchen Units

Your worktops will be busy with preparations for Christmas meals, so give them a thorough cleaning. Use antibacterial cleaning sprays to eliminate germs and bacteria. A quick wipe and polish can significantly improve your kitchen's overall appearance.


Cleaning the oven might not be your favourite task, but it's essential for hygiene reasons. Please include it in your Christmas cleaning checklist to prevent lingering smells and ensure your oven is spotless.


Clean out your fridge by removing items that are past their prime. Wipe down shelves and walls to get rid of stains and crumbs. Cleaning your fridge means more room for all the tasty treats you'll have this Christmas!

Dining Tables and Chairs

Polish your dining table and chairs to remove dust and marks. If you have chair covers or cushions, wash them to ensure they're fresh and clean for your guests.

Kitchen and Dining Room Floors

Areas where you prepare food and dine are likely to accumulate more debris. So vacuum these spaces more frequently during the festive season. Consider spot cleaning or our carpet cleaning service if you notice stains on your carpets.

Cutlery and Glassware

A quick polish of your cutlery and glassware can enhance your Christmas dining table's appearance. It's a small touch that can add extra shine to your silverware.

Living Room Cleaning List

The living room is where your guests will spend significant time during Christmas. Prepare it with these cleaning tasks:

Carpet and Rugs

Move furniture to the centre of the room and vacuum from the outskirts inward. Remember to flip over any rugs to clean the underside. Vacuuming under rugs can remove hidden dust and dirt.

Christmas Tree Pine Needles

If you have a real Christmas tree, vacuum up any fallen pine needles. Stepping on them can be pretty painful!

Furniture and Soft Furnishings

Vacuum down the sides of sofa cushions and wash removable covers. For leather sofas, a quick wipe with a damp cloth and a buff with a soft cloth can enhance their appearance.


Clean your fireplace, removing any debris. It's the focal point of your living room, especially during Christmas!

Bathroom Cleaning List

The bathroom will see much use during the holiday season. Keep it clean with these tasks:

Bath and Shower

Clean your bath and shower thoroughly using antibacterial bathroom spray—buff stainless steel fixtures with a cloth. Ensure the plug is free from hair to prevent blockages.


Clean and disinfect the toilet regularly, especially during the festive season, to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs.


Use an all-purpose spray to clean the sink, paying attention to the plug area where dirt can accumulate. Keep soap readily available, and ensure the hand towel is clean.


Remember to clean mirrors. Remove any marks with a glass cleaning spray and buff out streaks with a soft cloth.

Guest Bedroom Cleaning List

If you have guests staying over during Christmas, prepare their sleeping area with these tasks:

Bed Linen

Wash bed sheets to freshen them up for your guests. Ironing the sheets can significantly improve the overall appearance of the guest bedroom.

Vacuum and Dust

If the guest bedroom isn't frequently used, it may be dusty. A quick spray and wipe can do the trick. Remember to vacuum the carpet and rugs.

Wardrobe Cleaning

Clear out some hanging space for your guests, allowing them to unpack. Wipe down wardrobes, which can accumulate dust.

Additional Tasks If You Have Extra Time

Clear Out Clutter

Consider doing a pre-Christmas clear-out to make room for decorations and new gifts. Donate or recycle items you no longer need.

Windows and Front Door

First impressions matter. Wash your windows inside and outside, and wipe your front door. Add some seasonal touches to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Stock Up on Cleaning Products

Have essential cleaning products like kitchen roll and wipes on hand to quickly address any spills or messes during holiday gatherings.

Final Tips for Your Christmas Clean-Up

Feeling overwhelmed? Here are some tips to avoid pre-Christmas panic:

  • Start your Christmas cleaning early to prevent last-minute rush. Regular maintenance cleans throughout the month will keep your home guest-ready.
  • Focus on the main areas your guests will use: the kitchen, living room, dining room, and bathroom. You can skip bedrooms if guests won't be staying over.
  • Consider hiring a professional cleaning company to handle the cleaning for you. It allows you to enjoy the holiday without the stress of cleaning.

By completing these tasks from your Christmas cleaning checklist, your home will be more than ready to welcome guests and host festive parties this Christmas.

Christmas Wishes to One and All

Lou and all the Done & Dusted family would like to extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for your support throughout 2023. 

Our office will be closed during Christmas week, but if you have any questions or wish to make a booking, please call us at 0203 5611 404 or send us an email at [email protected], and someone will get back to you as soon as we open.

If you've found our Christmas Cleaning Checklist helpful, please share it on your social media pages to help your friends get to know us, too. Once again, have a wonderful Christmas!

Contact Us

Are you as passionate about cleaning? Do you take pride in your work, knowing that a client feels satisfied and happy, after you've cleaned their home? Are you ready to take your skills to a new level? 

Then come and join Done and Dusted and be a part of a growing business!

Please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We need to know your postcode, what service you need, and how many bedrooms, additional bathrooms, and conservatories to estimate cost. Thank you

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