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March Clear Out and Organise

March Clear Out and Organise

March Clear Out and Organise

If you are looking to get a head start on spring cleaning and decluttering your home and garden, then March is the perfect time to start tackling those monthly chores that will help you get your space in order and ready for the warmer months ahead.

One area to focus on is your garden shed and garage. Over the winter months, these spaces can quickly become cluttered and disorganised, making it difficult to find what you need when it's time to start working on outdoor projects. 

Take some time to sort through everything and get rid of anything you no longer need or use.

But it's not just your outdoor spaces that need attention. Take the time to go through each room in your home and declutter any unused items. By doing so, you'll create more space and make it easier to keep your home organised going forward.

If you're feeling ambitious, you can even begin a small spring clean this month. Choose a few areas of your home that could use a deep clean, such as the kitchen or bathroom, and tackle them one at a time. Doing so will help you get a head start on the official spring cleaning season in April.

By taking on these monthly chores in March, you'll be well on your way to a more organised and clutter-free home and garden. So grab your gloves and get ready to tackle those tasks! With a little effort now, you'll be able to enjoy your space even more as the weather starts to warm up.

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Are you as passionate about cleaning? Do you take pride in your work, knowing that a client feels satisfied and happy, after you've cleaned their home? Are you ready to take your skills to a new level? 

Then come and join Done and Dusted and be a part of a growing business!

Please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We need to know your postcode, what service you need, and how many bedrooms, additional bathrooms, and conservatories to estimate cost. Thank you

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