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Ultimate Yearly Cleaning

Ultimate Yearly Cleaning

Ultimate Yearly Cleaning

Welcome to the ultimate guide to eco-friendly cleaning for every month of the year

By following this schedule, you can keep your home spick and span while minimizing your environmental impact. Let's get started!


It is the perfect time to start fresh with a post-Christmas declutter and deep clean. Not only will this help you clear out any unnecessary items, but it will also give you a chance to thoroughly clean your home after the busy holiday season. Use eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques to reduce your carbon footprint and protect your family's health.


Now it's time to focus on your bedroom. Vacuum and flip your mattresses to help them last longer and prevent the build-up of dust mites. Consider using a natural mattress protector to keep your bed clean and hygienic without harming the environment.


It is all about outdoor maintenance. Take the time to sort through your sheds and garages and clean out your gutters to prevent water damage. Again, choose eco-friendly products to protect your outdoor spaces and the surrounding environment.


This is the month for spring cleaning, including footpaths, drives, and patios. Use non-toxic cleaners to remove dirt and debris without harming plants or wildlife. Consider using a pressure washer instead of harsh chemicals to deep clean your outdoor spaces.


It's time to tackle carpets and upholstery. Vacuum thoroughly and consider using a steam cleaner to remove dirt and stains. Use natural cleaners to protect your family's health and minimize your impact on the environment.


Now it's all about curtains, nets, and drapes. Take them down and wash them according to the manufacturer's instructions, using an eco-friendly detergent and fabric softener. If possible, hang them outside to dry in the sun instead of using a dryer.


This is the month to focus on your kitchen appliances. Clean and defrost your freezers, and deep clean your cooker with natural cleaning products. Consider investing in reusable coffee filters and reducing your dependence on single-use pods.


Now it is the time to descale and deep clean your kettles, ice machines, and coffee machines. Use natural descaling agents like white vinegar or lemon juice to avoid using harmful chemicals. Consider switching to reusable water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles.


In this month, organize your wardrobe and closets and clean your BBQ grill. Donate any clothes you no longer wear to a local charity instead of throwing them away. Use eco-friendly grill cleaners and avoid using lighter fluid, which releases harmful chemicals into the air.


Now it is time to prepare for the colder months by cleaning your fireplaces, chimneys, and gutters. Use natural cleaners to remove soot and debris from your fireplace and consider investing in a chimney cap to prevent pests from entering. Clean your gutters to prevent water damage and mold growth.


It is the time to deep clean your carpets, upholstery, and kitchen cabinets. Use natural carpet cleaners and avoid using toxic chemicals. Clean your kitchen cabinets with eco-friendly cleaners and donate any unused food to a local food bank.


Finally, it is time to declutter, clean, and deep clean your ovens. Use natural oven cleaners to avoid harmful fumes and clean your oven racks with non-toxic cleaners. Donate any unused or unwanted items to a local charity instead of throwing them away.

WOW! End of year..

By following this schedule, you can keep your home clean and organized all year round, while also reducing your environmental impact. Remember to choose eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques whenever possible, and to donate or recycle any unwanted items. 

Happy cleaning!!

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