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Terms & Conditions apply

Spring/Deep Cleaning

Spring/Deep Cleaning

Spring/Deep Cleaning
per hour

Spring/Deep Cleaning prices are based on a home of average size and reasonable condition. 

We highly recommend booking a spring/Deep clean every six months to allow a thorough deep clean of your property.

Deep cleaning help keep it in the best condition, by allowing our teams to get under heavy furniture and into cupboards and wardrobes, getting to all that lurks in the dark forgotten areas of your homes.

These are charged from £40 per hour.

£50 per hour will be applicable should our cleaners need to de-clutter and tidy before they can clean. 

Times will vary depending on your home. Cleans can take longer in the winter if homes are cluttered, in poor condition or untidy

Contact Us

Are you as passionate about cleaning? Do you take pride in your work, knowing that a client feels satisfied and happy, after you've cleaned their home? Are you ready to take your skills to a new level? 

Then come and join Done and Dusted and be a part of a growing business!

Please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We need to know your postcode, what service you need, and how many bedrooms, additional bathrooms, and conservatories to estimate cost. Thank you

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Not sure what you need, not a problem. We can help you work out what you need and help you get the best cleaner for the job.
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